
Chrome Browser Application Short Cuts

Chrome Browser has put forth a new idea of application short cuts by diluting the difference between Desktop and Online Desktop i.e. Browser. Chrome Browser treats many websites like email sites as application and lets you add a short cut on your desk tip like an actual programme. In order to create an application short cut you can follow the following procedure

Click the Page menu .
Select Create application shortcuts.
In the 'Google Gears' dialog box, select the checkboxes where you want shortcuts to be placed on your computer.
Start menu
Quick launch bar
Click the OK button.

When you double click the application short cut , Chrome Browser opens a special streamlined window that gives you more space to work on . Chrome Browser is trying to decrease the difference between online and offline applications. Chrome Browser is striking at the heart of windows of Bill Gates.To see a more detailed explanation of Application short cuts in Chrome please click and watch the following video.

Chrome Browser supports TABBED Browsing

Chrome browser supports tabbed browsing. There is a plus sign at the top to open a new tab. These tabs are fluid which means that you can change places of tabs . A tab in Chrome Browser can be closed much like a standard window by pressing the cross sign present in each tab in Chrome Browser. You can create as many numbers of tabs as you like. Chrome Browser is unique in having fluid tabs. No other browser in the market has fluid tabs. The process of creation of tabs is quite easy. It is quite cumbersome in Firefox . But Chrome Browser has made it simple. Perhaps Opera has the best tabbed browsing capabilites so far. Internet Explorer is a loser as always. Here is a simple video to explain the concept of tabbed browsing .

Chrome Browser Review

Chrome Browser is a product of Google and is a browser to explore the internet like other popular browsers for example Internet Explorer , Firefox, Safari , and Opera. Google had been working on the development of a Browser and finally it is out with the name of Chrome Browser. It has a sleek design using the best technology available with Google . Chrome Browser is stated to make the web browing safer , easier and faster. Chrome Browser has all essential functions a modern browser should offer. In the next few posts we will discuss the options available in Chrome Browser one by one and then we will make a critical comparison of chrome browser with other already available popular browsers to reach a conclusion regarding the place of Chrome Browser in the Browser war.